Go to the documentation of this file.
1 classdef DataLogger<mxberry.core.obj.StaticPropStorage
3  methods (Static)
4  function configure(varargin)
6  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
7  className=mfilename('class');
8  feval([className '.flush']);
9  %% default values for properties
10  storageLocation=[fileparts(which(className)) filesep 'DataLogs'];
11  isEnabled=false;
12  functionNameList=cell(1,0);
13  nMaxDatesOnDisk=5;
14  %% parse properties
15  [~,prop]=mxberry.core.parseparams(varargin,[],0);
16  nProp=length(prop);
17  for iProp=1:2:nProp-1
18  switch lower(prop{iProp})
19  case 'isenabled'
20  isEnabled=prop{iProp+1};
21  case 'functionnamelist'
22  functionNameList=prop{iProp+1};
23  case 'storagelocationroot'
24  storageLocation=prop{iProp+1};
25  case 'nmaxdatesondisk'
26  nMaxDatesOnDisk=prop{iProp+1};
27  otherwise
28  mxberry.core.throwerror('wrongInput',...
29  'Unknown property: %s',prop{iProp});
30  end
31  end
32  %% check inputs
33  % check isEnabled
34  if ~(islogical(isEnabled)&&numel(isEnabled)==1)
35  mxberry.core.throwerror('wrongInput',...
36  'isEnabled must be scalar logical');
37  end
38  % check functionNameList
39  if ischar(functionNameList)
40  if isempty(functionNameList)||size(functionNameList,2)~=...
41  numel(functionNameList)
42  mxberry.core.throwerror('wrongInput',...
43  'functionNameList must be nonempty string');
44  end
45  functionNameList={functionNameList};
46  else
47  isnWrong=iscell(functionNameList);
48  if isnWrong
49  functionNameList=reshape(functionNameList,1,[]);
50  isnWrong=all(...
51  cellfun('isclass',functionNameList,'char')&...
52  cellfun('size',functionNameList,2)==...
53  cellfun('prodofsize',functionNameList)&...
54  ~cellfun('isempty',functionNameList));
55  end
56  if ~isnWrong
57  mxberry.core.throwerror('wrongInput',...
58  'functionNameList must be cell array with nonempty strings');
59  end
60  functionNameList=unique(functionNameList);
61  end
62  % check storageLocation
63  if isempty(storageLocation)||~(ischar(storageLocation)&&...
64  size(storageLocation,2)==numel(storageLocation))
65  mxberry.core.throwerror('wrongInput',...
66  'storageLocation must be nonempty string');
67  end
68  % check nMaxDatesOnDisk
69  isnWrong=isnumeric(nMaxDatesOnDisk)&&numel(nMaxDatesOnDisk)==1;
70  if isnWrong
71  nMaxDatesOnDisk=double(nMaxDatesOnDisk);
72  isnWrong=~isnan(nMaxDatesOnDisk)&&nMaxDatesOnDisk>=0&&...
73  floor(nMaxDatesOnDisk)==nMaxDatesOnDisk;
74  end
75  if ~isnWrong
76  mxberry.core.throwerror('wrongInput',...
77  'nMaxDatesOnDisk must be scalar nonnegative integer');
78  end
79  %% preprocess data storage
80  if
82  end
83  if isfinite(nMaxDatesOnDisk)&&isEnabled
84  % delete files that are more than nMaxDatesOnDisk dates on
85  % disk
86  SFileList=dir(storageLocation);
87  SFileList([SFileList.isdir])=[];
88  fileNameList={};
89  if ~isempty(fileNameList)
90  [~,fileNameList,extNameList]=cellfun(@fileparts,...
91  fileNameList,'UniformOutput',false);
92  isFileVec=strcmp(extNameList,'.mat');
93  if any(isFileVec)
94  fileNameList=fileNameList(isFileVec);
95  fileNameList=fileNameList(...
96  [SFileList(isFileVec).datenum]<=...
97  addtodate(floor(now),-nMaxDatesOnDisk,'day'));
98  nFiles=numel(fileNameList);
99  if nFiles
100  fileNameList=strcat(storageLocation,filesep,fileNameList,'.mat');
101  for iFile=1:nFiles
102  delete(fileNameList{iFile});
103  end
104  end
105  end
106  end
107  end
108  %% set properties
109  setMethodName=[className '.setPropInternal'];
110  feval(setMethodName,'isEnabled',isEnabled);
111  feval(setMethodName,'functionNameList',functionNameList);
112  feval(setMethodName,'prefixList',cell(1,0));
113  feval(setMethodName,'loggerObj',Logger.getLogger(className));
114  feval(setMethodName,'storageLocation',storageLocation);
115  feval(setMethodName,'filePostfix',mxberry.system.getpidhost());
116  end
117  %
118  function addPrefixToList(prefixStr)
120  %% initial actions
121  className=mfilename('class');
122  if ~feval([className '.getIsEnabled'])
123  return;
124  end
125  if isempty(prefixStr)||~(...
126  ischar(prefixStr)&&size(prefixStr,2)==numel(prefixStr))
127  mxberry.core.throwerror('wrongInput',...
128  'prefixStr must be nonemtpy string');
129  end
130  %% add prefix
131  prefixList=feval([className '.getPropInternal'],'prefixList');
132  feval([className '.setPropInternal'],'prefixList',horzcat(prefixList,{prefixStr}));
133  end
134  %
135  function removePrefixFromList()
137  %% initial actions
138  className=mfilename('class');
139  if ~feval([className '.getIsEnabled'])
140  return;
141  end
142  %% remove prefix
143  prefixList=feval([className '.getPropInternal'],'prefixList');
144  if isempty(prefixList)
145  mxberry.core.throwerror('wrongObjState',...
146  'addPrefixToList must be called before calling this method');
147  end
148  feval([className '.setPropInternal'],'prefixList',prefixList(1:end-1));
149  end
150  %
151  function log()
153  className=mfilename('class');
154  if ~feval([className '.getIsEnabled'])
155  return;
156  end
157  [~,fullFuncName,isLogged]=feval([className '.getFunctionProps'],2);
158  if ~isLogged
159  return;
160  end
161  getMethodName=[className '.getPropInternal'];
162  loggerObj=feval(getMethodName,'loggerObj');
163[fullFuncName ' is performed']);
164  end
165  %
166  function logData()
168  className=mfilename('class');
169  if ~feval([className '.getIsEnabled'])
170  return;
171  end
172  [shortFuncName,fullFuncName,isLogged]=feval([className '.getFunctionProps'],2);
173  if ~isLogged
174  return;
175  end
176  loggerObj=feval([className '.getPropInternal'],'loggerObj');
177  fileName=feval([className '.getDataFileName'],shortFuncName,fullFuncName);
178  [~,shortFileName]=fileparts(fileName);
179[fullFuncName ' is performed, data with local variables are in ' shortFileName]);
180  evalin('caller',['save(' fileName ')']);
181  end
182  %
183  function flush()
185  className=mfilename('class');
186  feval([className '.flushInternal'],className);
187  end
188  end
190  methods (Access=protected,Static)
191  function isEnabled=getIsEnabled()
193  className=mfilename('class');
194  [isEnabled,isConfigured]=feval([className '.getPropInternal'],...
195  'isEnabled',true,className);
196  isEnabled=isConfigured&&~isempty(isEnabled)&&isEnabled;
197  end
198  %
199  function fileName=getDataFileName(shortFuncName,fullFuncName)
201  className=mfilename('class');
202  getMethodName=[className '.getPropInternal'];
203  fileName=[feval(getMethodName,'storageLocation') filesep ...
204  shortFuncName '_' feval(getMethodName,'filePostfix') '_'...
205  datestr(now,30) '_' mxberry.core.hash(fullFuncName) '.mat'];
206  end
207  %
208  function [shortFuncName,fullFuncName,isLogged]=getFunctionProps(indStack)
209  import mxberry.core.cell.cell2tablestr;
210  curClassName=mfilename('class');
211  %% find function names (short and full one, but without
212  %% prefixes)
213  StFunc=dbstack('-completenames');
214  nFuncs=numel(StFunc);
215  isFound=false;
216  isCheck=nargin==0;
217  if isCheck
218  indStack=3;
219  else
220  indStack=indStack+1;
221  end
222  for iFunc=indStack:nFuncs
223  % determine name of class (if any) and name of
224  % method (function or script)
225  StFuncCur=StFunc(iFunc);
226  [pathStr,fileName]=fileparts(StFuncCur.file);
227  pathStr=strrep(pathStr,[filesep '+'],'.');
228  indClass=strfind(pathStr,[filesep '@']);
229  isClass=~isempty(indClass);
230  if isClass
231  pathStr(indClass)='.';
232  pathStr(indClass+1)=[];
233  end
234  curInd=find(pathStr==filesep,1,'last');
235  if ~isempty(curInd)
236  pathStr=pathStr(curInd+1:end);
237  end
238  curInd=find(pathStr=='.',1,'first');
239  if isempty(curInd)
240  isPath=false;
241  else
242  pathStr=pathStr(curInd+1:end);
243  isPath=~isempty(pathStr);
244  end
246  curInd=find(methodName=='.',1,'first');
247  if ~isempty(curInd)
248  methodName=methodName(curInd+1:end);
249  if ~isClass
250  pathStr=[pathStr '.' fileName]; %#ok<AGROW>
251  isClass=true;
252  end
253  end
254  shortFuncName=methodName(find(['/' methodName]=='/',1,'last'):end);
255  className='';
256  if isPath
257  if isClass
258  className=pathStr;
259  else
260  methodName=[pathStr '.' methodName]; %#ok<AGROW>
261  end
262  end
263  if isCheck
264  isFound=isempty(className);
265  if ~isFound
266  isFound=~any(strcmp(superclasses(className),curClassName));
267  end
268  else
269  isFound=true;
270  end
271  if isFound
272  fullFuncName=methodName;
273  if ~isempty(className)
274  fullFuncName=[className '.' fullFuncName]; %#ok<AGROW>
275  end
276  break;
277  end
278  end
279  if ~isFound
280  mxberry.core.throwerror('wrongCall',[...
281  'This method must be called from function, script or '...
282  'method of some class different from descendants of %s'],...
283  mfilename('class'));
284  end
285  %% process fullFuncName and isLogged
286  if nargout>1
287  getMethodName=[curClassName '.getPropInternal'];
288  prefixList=feval(getMethodName,'prefixList');
289  fullFuncName=cell2tablestr([],[prefixList {fullFuncName}],'.');
290  if nargout>2
291  isLogged=any(strcmp(fullFuncName,...
292  feval(getMethodName,'functionNameList')));
293  end
294  end
295  end
296  %
297  function [propVal,isThere]=getPropInternal(propName,isPresenceChecked,className)
299  if nargin>=3
300  branchName=className;
301  else
302  branchName=mfilename('class');
303  end
304  if nargin<2
305  isPresenceChecked=false;
306  end
307  [propVal,isThere]=mxberry.core.obj.StaticPropStorage.getPropInternal(...
308  branchName,propName,isPresenceChecked);
309  end
310  %
311  function setPropInternal(propName,propVal,className)
313  if nargin>=3
314  branchName=className;
315  else
316  branchName=mfilename('class');
317  end
319  branchName,propName,propVal);
320  end
321  end
322 end
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static function setPropInternal(in branchName, in propName, in propVal)
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