Go to the documentation of this file.
1 classdef HashMapXMLMetaData<mxberry.core.cont.ondisk.AHashMap
3  properties (Constant,GetAccess=protected)
5  IGNORE_EXTENSIONS={'asv','xml~'};
7  end
8  methods
9  function self=HashMapXMLMetaData(varargin)
11  import mxberry.core.throwerror;
12  import mxberry.core.checkvar;
13  import mxberry.core.parseparext;
14  %
15  [regArgList,~,storageFormat]=parseparext(varargin,...
16  {'storageFormat';'verxml';...
17  'isstring(x)&&ismember(x,{''verxml'',''none''})'});
18  %
19  if ~ismember(storageFormat,{'verxml','none'})
20  throwerror('wrongInput','storage format %s unknown',...
21  storageFormat);
22  end
23  %
24  self=self@mxberry.core.cont.ondisk.AHashMap(regArgList{:},...
25  'storageFormat',storageFormat);
26  %
27  switch lower(self.storageFormat)
28  case 'verxml'
29  self.saveFunc=...
30  @mxberry.core.cont.ondisk.HashMapXMLMetaData.saveFunc;
31  self.loadKeyFunc=@mxberry.xml.xmlload;
32  self.loadValueFunc=@mxberry.xml.xmlload;
33  self.fileExtension=self.XML_EXTENSION;
34  self.isMissingKeyBlamed=true;
35  case 'none'
36  self.saveFunc=@(x,y,z,w)1;
37  self.loadKeyFunc=@(x)1;
38  self.loadValueFunc=@(x)1;
39  self.isMissingKeyBlamed=true;
40  otherwise
41  throwerror('wrongInput',...
42  'storage format %s is unknown',self.storageFormat);
43  end
44  end
45  %
46  end
47  methods (Access=protected, Static)
48  function saveFunc(fileName,valueObjName,keyObjName,varargin)
49  mxberry.xml.xmlsave(fileName,struct(...
50  'valueObj',{evalin('caller',valueObjName)},...
51  'keyStr',{evalin('caller',keyObjName)}),...
52  'on',varargin{:},'insertTimestamp',false);
53  end
54  end
55  methods (Access=protected)
56  function [isPositive,keyStr]=checkKey(self,fileName)
58  if (strcmp(self.fileExtension,self.XML_EXTENSION))&&(nargout<2)
59  return;
60  end
61  if isPositive
62  [isPositive,keyStr]=checkKey@mxberry.core.cont.ondisk.AHashMap(...
63  self,fileName);
64  end
65  end
66  function putOne(self,keyStr,valueObj,varargin)
67  import mxberry.core.throwwarn;
68  fullFileName=self.genfullfilename(keyStr);
69  try
70  self.saveFunc(fullFileName,'valueObj','keyStr',varargin{:});
71  catch meObj
72  if
73  delete(fullFileName);
74  end
75  %
76  if self.isPutErrorIgnored
77  throwwarn('saveFailure',...
78  'cannot save the key value: %s',...
79  meObj.message);
80  return;
81  else
82  rethrow(meObj);
83  end
84  end
85  end
86  %
87  function [valueObj,metaData]=getOne(self,keyStr)
88  fileName=self.getFileNameByKey(keyStr);
89  [resObj,metaData]=self.loadValueFunc(fileName);
90  valueObj=resObj.valueObj;
91  end
92  end
93 end
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