Go to the documentation of this file.
1 classdef SuiteNegative < mxberry.unittest.TestCase
2  properties (Access=private)
3  crm
4  end
5  methods
6  function self = SuiteNegative(varargin)
7  self = self@mxberry.unittest.TestCase(varargin{:});
8  end
9  end
10  methods (TestMethodSetup)
11  function self = set_up_param(self)
12  self.crm=mxberry.conf.test.AdpConfRepoMgrNegative();
13  end
14  end
15  methods (Test)
16  function test_negativeSelectConf(self)
17  inpArgList={'default'};
18  crm=self.crm; %#ok<*NASGU,*PROP>
19  self.runAndCheckError('crm.selectConf(inpArgList{:})',...
20  ':artificialPatchApplicationError','causeCheckDepth',inf);
21  self.runAndCheckError('crm.selectConf(inpArgList{:})',...
22  ':wrongInput','causeCheckDepth',0);
23  end
24  end
25 end