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1 function outCVec = catcellstrwithsep(inpCMat,sepStr)
2 import mxberry.core.string.catwithsep;
3 nRows=size(inpCMat,1);
4 nCols=size(inpCMat,2);
5 outCVec=cellfun(@(x)catwithsep(x,sepStr),...
6  mat2cell(inpCMat,ones(nRows,1),nCols),'UniformOutput',false);
function catcellstrwithsep(in inpCMat, in sepStr)
CATCELLSTRWITHSEP contatenates columns of input cell matrix of strings using a specified separator an...
function catwithsep(in inpStrList, in sepStr)
CATWITHSEP concatenates input cell array of strings inserting a specified separator between the strin...