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1 function [methodName,className]=getcallernameext(indStack)
3 StFunc=dbstack('-completenames');
4 if nargin==0
5  indStack=1;
6 else
7  if isequal(numel(StFunc),indStack)
8  methodName='COMMAND_LINE';
9  className='';
10  return;
11  end
12  isnWrong=numel(indStack)==1&&isreal(indStack);
13  if isnWrong
14  isnWrong=floor(indStack)==indStack&&indStack>=0&&...
15  indStack<=numel(StFunc)-1;
16  end
17  if ~isnWrong
18  mxberry.core.throwerror('wrongInput','indStack is incorrect');
19  end
20 end
21 [methodName,className]=mxberry.core.parsestackelem(StFunc(indStack+1));
function getcallernameext(in indStack)
GETCALLERNAME determines function/script name or method name of caller together with class name in th...