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1 function [taskName,SProp]=gettasknamepcomp()
2 curTaskObj=getCurrentTask();
3 isMain=isempty(curTaskObj);
4 taskId=get(curTaskObj,'ID');
5 %
6 if isMain
7  taskName='master';
8 else
9  %on windows the task name has a form Job#/Task#, while on
10  %Linux - Task#. We need a unification so we remove the Job#
11  %part
12  curTaskName=['task',num2str(taskId)];
13  %
14  taskName=['child','.',curTaskName];
15 end
16 %
17 SProp.isMain=isMain;
18 SProp.taskId=taskId;
19 SProp.taskName=taskName;
function gettasknamepcomp()
GETTASKNAME returns task name and some additional properties.