Go to the documentation of this file.
1 function [isThereVec,indThereVec]=ismemberjoint(leftCArr,rightCArr,varargin)
2 import mxberry.core.uniquejoint;
3 import mxberry.core.throwerror;
4 import mxberry.core.ismembersortableobj;
5 %
6 if nargin<2
7  throwerror('wrongInput',...
8  'incorrect number of input arguments');
9 end
10 %
11 if ~iscell(leftCArr)||~iscell(rightCArr)
12  throwerror('wrongInput',...
13  'both arguments should be cell arrays');
14 end
15 %
16 [reg,prop]=parseparams(varargin);
17 nReg=numel(reg);
18 if nReg<1
19  dim=[];
20 else
21  dim=reg{1};
22  isnWrong=isnumeric(dim)&&numel(dim)==1;
23  if isnWrong
24  dim=double(dim);
25  isnWrong=isreal(dim)&&floor(dim)==dim&&dim>=1&&isfinite(dim);
26  end
27  if ~isnWrong
28  throwerror('wrongInput',...
29  'scalar number expected as the third argument');
30  end
31 end
32 %
33 leftCArr=leftCArr(:);
34 rightCArr=rightCArr(:);
35 %
36 nLeft=length(leftCArr);
37 %
38 if nLeft~=length(rightCArr)
39  throwerror('wrongInput',...
40  'both arguments should have the same size');
41 end
42 %
43 if nLeft==0
44  throwerror('wrongInput',...
45  'both arguments should be non-empty cells');
46 end
47 %
48 leftTypeCell=cellfun(@class,leftCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
49 rightTypeCell=cellfun(@class,rightCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
50 isEqualType=cellfun(@(x,y)isequal(x,y),leftTypeCell,rightTypeCell);
51 if ~all(isEqualType)
52  throwerror('wrongInput',...
53  'types of corresponding input cell content should be the same');
54 end
55 %
56 if isempty(dim)
57  isEmptyVec=cellfun('isempty',leftCArr)&cellfun('isempty',rightCArr);
58  leftCArr(isEmptyVec)=[];
59  rightCArr(isEmptyVec)=[];
60  nLeftComp=length(leftCArr);
61  if nLeftComp==0
62  isThereVec=false(0,1);
63  indThereVec=zeros(0,1);
64  return;
65  end
66  leftSize=size(leftCArr{1});
67  isEqualLeftSize=mxberry.core.checksize(leftCArr{:},leftSize);
68  if ~isEqualLeftSize
69  throwerror('wrongInput',...
70  'size of all items of the first cell array should be the same');
71  end
72  %
73  rightSize=size(rightCArr{1});
74  isEqualRightSize=mxberry.core.checksize(rightCArr{:},rightSize);
75  if ~isEqualRightSize
76  throwerror('wrongInput',...
77  'size of all items of the second cell array should be the same');
78  end
79  %
80  nLeftElem=numel(leftCArr{1});
81  lengthLeft=length(leftCArr{1});
82  %
83  nRightElem=numel(rightCArr{1});
84  lengthRight=length(rightCArr{1});
85  %
86  if (nLeftElem~=lengthLeft)||(nRightElem~=lengthRight)
87  throwerror('wrongInput',...
88  'all cell items should be either columns or rows ');
89  end
90  %
91  if nLeftElem==0
92  isThereVec=false(leftSize);
93  indThereVec=nan(leftSize);
94  return;
95  end
96  leftCArr=cellfun(@(x)x(:),leftCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
97  rightCArr=cellfun(@(x)x(:),rightCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
98 else
99  if nReg<2
100  checkSizeIfEmpty=true;
101  else
102  checkSizeIfEmpty=reg{2};
103  end
104  %
105  nLeftElem=size(leftCArr{1},dim);
106  %
107  %cellfun('size',...,dim) doesn't work properly for cell arrays of
108  %enums so we are forced to use a slower variant here: cellfun(@(x)...)
109  isEqualLeftSize=all(cellfun(@(x)size(x,dim),leftCArr(:))==nLeftElem);
110  if ~isEqualLeftSize
111  throwerror('wrongInput',...
112  ['size of all items in leftCArr along %d-th ',...
113  'dimension should be the same'],dim);
114  end
115  %
116  nRightElem=size(rightCArr{1},dim);
117  %
118  %cellfun('size',...,dim) doesn't work properly for cell arrays of
119  %enums so we are forced to use a slower variant here: cellfun(@(x)...)
120  isEqualRightSize=all(cellfun(@(x)size(x,dim),rightCArr)==nRightElem);
121  if ~isEqualRightSize
122  throwerror('wrongInput',...
123  ['size of all items in rightCArr along %d-th ',...
124  'dimension should be the same'],dim);
125  end
126  %
127  if checkSizeIfEmpty||(nLeftElem>0&&nRightElem>0)
128  if dim>1
129  permVec=[dim 1:dim-1 dim+1:max(vertcat(...
130  cellfun('ndims',leftCArr(:)),cellfun('ndims',rightCArr(:))))];
131  leftCArr=cellfun(@(x)permute(x,permVec),leftCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
132  rightCArr=cellfun(@(x)permute(x,permVec),rightCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
133  end
134  leftSize=cellfun(@size,leftCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
135  rightSize=cellfun(@size,rightCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
136  %
137  if ~isequal(cellfun(@(x)x(2:end),leftSize,'UniformOutput',false),...
138  cellfun(@(x)x(2:end),rightSize,'UniformOutput',false))
139  throwerror('wrongInput',[...
140  'sizes of all items in leftCArr and rightCArr '...
141  'along all dimensions save %d-th one should be the same'],dim);
142  end
143  end
144  %
145  if nLeftElem==0
146  if dim>1
147  isThereVec=false(1,0);
148  indThereVec=nan(1,0);
149  else
150  isThereVec=false(0,1);
151  indThereVec=nan(0,1);
152  end
153  return;
154  end
155  %
156  if nRightElem==0
157  if dim>1
158  isThereVec=false(1,nLeftElem);
159  indThereVec=zeros(1,nLeftElem);
160  else
161  isThereVec=false(nLeftElem,1);
162  indThereVec=zeros(nLeftElem,1);
163  end
164  return;
165  end
166  %
167  isReshape=max(cellfun('length',leftSize),cellfun('length',rightSize))>2;
168  if any(isReshape)
169  leftCArr(isReshape)=cellfun(@(x)reshape(x,nLeftElem,[]),...
170  leftCArr(isReshape),'UniformOutput',false);
171  rightCArr(isReshape)=cellfun(@(x)reshape(x,nRightElem,[]),...
172  rightCArr(isReshape),'UniformOutput',false);
173  end
174  nLeftComp=length(leftCArr);
175 end
176 %
177 %use iterative unique operation
178 leftIndMat=zeros(nLeftElem,nLeftComp);
179 rightIndMat=zeros(nRightElem,nLeftComp);
180 for iRow=1:nLeftComp
181  leftMat=leftCArr{iRow};
182  rightMat=rightCArr{iRow};
183  if isa(rightMat,'function_handle')
184  leftMat=func2str(leftMat);
185  rightMat=func2str(rightMat);
186  end
187  if isnumeric(rightMat)||islogical(rightMat)||ischar(rightMat)
188  [rightMat,~,rightIndMat(:,iRow)]=mxberry.core.uniquerows(rightMat,false,prop{:});
189  [~,leftIndMat(:,iRow)]=mxberry.core.ismemberrows(leftMat,rightMat,false,prop{:});
190  else
191  isCharStr=iscellstr(rightMat);
192  if iscell(rightMat)&&~isCharStr
193  isCharStr=all(cellfun('isclass',rightMat(:),'function_handle'));
194  if isCharStr
195  leftMat=cellfun(@func2str,leftMat,'UniformOutput',false);
196  rightMat=cellfun(@func2str,rightMat,'UniformOutput',false);
197  end
198  end
199  if isCharStr
200  nCols=size(rightMat,2);
201  leftIndColMat=nan(nLeftElem,nCols);
202  rightIndColMat=nan(nRightElem,nCols);
203  for iCol=1:nCols
204  [rightVec,~,rightIndColMat(:,iCol)]=unique(rightMat(:,iCol));
205  [~,leftIndColMat(:,iCol)]=ismember(leftMat(:,iCol),rightVec);
206  end
207  if nCols==1
208  leftIndMat(:,iRow)=leftIndColMat;
209  rightIndMat(:,iRow)=rightIndColMat;
210  else
211  [rightIndColMat,~,rightIndMat(:,iRow)]=mxberry.core.uniquerows(rightIndColMat,true,prop{:});
212  [~,leftIndMat(:,iRow)]=mxberry.core.ismemberrows(leftIndColMat,rightIndColMat,true,prop{:});
213  end
214  else
215  isLeftOpaque=isa(leftCArr{1},'opaque');
216  isRightOpaque=isa(rightCArr{1},'opaque');
217  %
218  isSortMethodDefined=ismethod(leftCArr{1},'sort')&&...
219  ismethod(rightCArr{1},'sort');
220  %
221  isBothOpaque=isLeftOpaque&&isRightOpaque;
222  %
223  if isBothOpaque
224  if isSortMethodDefined
225  [~,leftIndMat(:,iRow)]=ismembersortableobj(...
226  leftCArr{1},rightCArr{1});
227  else
228  [~,leftIndMat(:,iRow)]=...
229  mxberry.core.ismemberbyfunc(leftCArr{1},rightCArr{1});
230  end
231  nRightElems = numel(rightCArr{iRow});
232  rightIndMat(:,iRow)=1:nRightElems;
233  else
234  [leftUniqCell,~,leftIndMat(:,iRow),isLeftSorted]=...
235  uniquejoint(leftCArr(iRow),1);
236  [rightUniqCell,~,rightIndMat(:,iRow),...
237  isRightSorted]=uniquejoint(rightCArr(iRow),1);
238  leftUniqMat=leftUniqCell{1};
239  rightUniqMat=rightUniqCell{1};
240  if ~isequaln(leftUniqMat,rightUniqMat)
241  if isLeftSorted&&isRightSorted
242  nElems=size(leftUniqMat,1);
243  [~,~,curInd]=uniquejoint({vertcat(leftUniqMat,rightUniqMat)},1);
244  [~,curInd]=ismember(curInd(1:nElems),curInd(nElems+1:end),'legacy');
245  else
246  [~,curInd]=mxberry.core.ismemberbyfunc(...
247  leftUniqMat,rightUniqMat);
248  end
249  leftIndMat(:,iRow)=curInd(leftIndMat(:,iRow));
250  end
251  end
252  end
253  end
254 end
255 %
256 isInd=nargout>1;
257 if nLeftComp==0
258  isThereVec=true(nLeftElem,1);
259  indThereVec=nRightElem*ones(nLeftElem,1);
260 elseif nLeftComp==1
261  if isInd
262  [isThereVec,indThereVec]=ismember(leftIndMat,rightIndMat,'legacy');
263  else
264  isThereVec=ismember(leftIndMat,rightIndMat,'legacy');
265  end
266 else
267  if isInd
268  [isThereVec,indThereVec]=mxberry.core.ismemberrows(leftIndMat,...
269  rightIndMat,true,prop{:});
270  else
271  isThereVec=mxberry.core.ismemberrows(leftIndMat,rightIndMat,...
272  true,prop{:});
273  end
274 end
275 %
276 if isempty(dim)
277  isThereVec=reshape(isThereVec,leftSize);
278  if nargout>1
279  indThereVec=reshape(indThereVec,leftSize);
280  end
281 elseif dim>1
282  isThereVec=reshape(isThereVec,1,[]);
283  if isInd
284  indThereVec=reshape(indThereVec,1,[]);
285  end
286 end
287 end
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function uniquejoint(in inpCArr, in varargin)
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function ismember(in leftVec, in rightVec, in varargin)
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