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1 function [unqCArr,indRight2LeftVec,indLeft2RightVec,isSorted]=uniquejoint(inpCArr,varargin)
2 import mxberry.core.throwerror;
3 import mxberry.core.uniquejoint;
4 import mxberry.core.uniquebyfunc;
5 import mxberry.core.uniquesortableobj;
6 %
7 if nargin<1
8  throwerror('wrongInput',...
9  'incorrect number of input arguments');
10 end
11 %
12 if ~iscell(inpCArr)
13  throwerror('wrongInput',...
14  'cell array expected as the first argument');
15 end
16 %
17 nInp=numel(inpCArr);
18 %
19 if nInp==0
20  throwerror('wrongInput',...
21  'an input argument should be non-empty cell array');
22 end
23 %
24 [reg,prop]=parseparams(varargin);
25 nReg=numel(reg);
26 if nReg<1
27  indDim=[];
28 else
29  indDim=reg{1};
30  isnWrong=isnumeric(indDim)&&numel(indDim)==1;
31  if isnWrong
32  indDim=double(indDim);
33  isnWrong=isreal(indDim)&&floor(indDim)==indDim&&indDim>=1&&...
34  isfinite(indDim);
35  end
36  if ~isnWrong
37  throwerror('wrongInput',...
38  'scalar number expected as the second argument');
39  end
40 end
41 %
42 if isempty(indDim)
43  inpSizeVec=size(inpCArr{1});
44  isEqualSize=mxberry.core.checksize(inpCArr{:},inpSizeVec);
45  if ~isEqualSize
46  throwerror('wrongInput',...
47  'size of all items of the first cell array should be the same');
48  end
49  %
50  isnColumn=inpSizeVec(1)<=1;
51  %turn all cell elements into columns
52  if isnColumn
53  inpArr=cellfun(@transpose,inpCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
54  else
55  inpArr=inpCArr;
56  end
57  %
58  nInpElem=numel(inpArr{1});
59  lengthInp=max(inpSizeVec);
60 else
61  nInpElem=size(inpCArr{1},indDim);
62  %
63  %cellfun('size',...,dim) doesn't work properly for cell arrays of
64  %enums so we are forced to use a slower variant here: cellfun(@(x)...)
65  isEqualSize=all(cellfun(@(x)size(x,indDim),inpCArr(:))==nInpElem);
66  %
67  if ~isEqualSize
68  throwerror('wrongInput',...
69  ['size of all items in inpCell along %d-th ',...
70  'dimension should be the same'],indDim);
71  end
72  %
73  inpSizeVec=cellfun(@size,inpCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
74  nDimsVec=cellfun('length',inpSizeVec(:));
75  if indDim>1
76  permVec=[indDim 1:indDim-1 indDim+1:max(nDimsVec)];
77  inpArr=cellfun(@(x)reshape(permute(x,permVec),nInpElem,[]),...
78  inpCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
79  else
80  inpArr=inpCArr;
81  isReshape=cellfun('length',inpSizeVec)>2;
82  if any(isReshape)
83  inpArr(isReshape)=cellfun(@(x)reshape(x,nInpElem,[]),...
84  inpArr(isReshape),'UniformOutput',false);
85  end
86  end
87  lengthInp=nInpElem;
88 end
89 %
90 if nInpElem==0
91  if lengthInp>0
92  unqCArr=cellfun(@(x)x(1,:),inpArr,'UniformOutput',false);
93  if isnColumn
94  unqCArr=cellfun(@transpose,unqCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
95  end
96  indRight2LeftVec=1;
97  indLeft2RightVec=ones(1,lengthInp);
98  else
99  unqCArr=inpCArr;
100  if isempty(indDim)
101  indRight2LeftVec=[];
102  indLeft2RightVec=[];
103  elseif indDim==1
104  indRight2LeftVec=nan(0,1);
105  indLeft2RightVec=nan(0,1);
106  else
107  indRight2LeftVec=nan(1,0);
108  indLeft2RightVec=nan(1,0);
109  end
110  end
111  return;
112 end
113 %
114 if isempty(indDim)
115  if (nInpElem~=lengthInp)
116  throwerror('wrongInput',...
117  'all cell items should be either columns or rows ');
118  end
119 else
120  inpCArr=inpArr;
121 end
122 %
123 %apply iterative unique operation
124 indMat=zeros(nInpElem,nInp);
125 isnSorted=false(1,nInp);
126 for iRow=1:nInp
127  inpMat=inpArr{iRow};
128  if isa(inpMat,'function_handle')
129  inpMat=func2str(inpMat);
130  end
131  if isnumeric(inpMat)||islogical(inpMat)||ischar(inpMat)
132  [~,~,indMat(:,iRow)]=mxberry.core.uniquerows(inpMat,false,prop{:});
133  elseif isstruct(inpMat)
134  curMat=reshape(mxberry.core.num2cell(...
135  permute(struct2cell(inpMat),[2 3 1]),[1 2]),1,[]);
136  [~,~,indMat(:,iRow)]=uniquejoint(curMat,1);
137  else
138  nCols=size(inpMat,2);
139  isCharStr=iscellstr(inpMat);
140  isNumCell=iscell(inpMat)&&~isCharStr;
141  isStructCell=false;
142  isCharCell=false;
143  isIntCell=false;
144  if isNumCell
145  inpMat=inpMat(:);
146  isIntCell=all(cellfun(@(x)isinteger(x)||islogical(x),inpMat));
147  if ~isIntCell
148  isNumCell=all(cellfun(@isnumeric,inpMat));
149  end
150  if ~isNumCell
151  isStructCell=all(cellfun('isclass',inpMat,'struct'));
152  if ~isStructCell
153  isCharStr=all(cellfun('isclass',inpMat,'function_handle'));
154  if isCharStr
155  inpMat=cellfun(@func2str,inpMat,'UniformOutput',false);
156  else
157  isCharCell=all(cellfun(@iscellstr,inpMat));
158  end
159  end
160  end
161  inpMat=reshape(inpMat,[],nCols);
162  end
163  indColMat=nan(nInpElem,nCols);
164  if isCharStr
165  for iCol=1:nCols
166  [~,~,indColMat(:,iCol)]=unique(inpMat(:,iCol),'legacy');
167  end
168  elseif isNumCell||isStructCell||isCharCell
169  for iCol=1:nCols
170  inpVec=inpMat(:,iCol);
171  curIndMat=zeros(nInpElem,2);
172  if isStructCell
173  inpMat=cellfun(@orderfields,inpVec,'UniformOutput',false);
174  curMat=cellfun(@fieldnames,inpVec,'UniformOutput',false);
175  [sizeVars,~,curIndMat(:,1)]=unique(cellfun('prodofsize',curMat),...
176  'legacy');
177  nVars=size(sizeVars,1);
178  for iVar=1:nVars
179  isVar=curIndMat(:,1)==iVar;
180  [~,~,curIndMat(isVar,2)]=uniquejoint({horzcat(curMat{isVar}).'},1);
181  end
182  [~,~,curMat]=mxberry.core.uniquerows(curIndMat,true,prop{:});
183  transformFunc=@(x)reshape(struct2cell(reshape(x,1,numel(x))),1,[]);
184  elseif isCharCell
185  curMat=[];
186  transformFunc=@(x)reshape(x,1,[]);
187  else
188  curMat=[];
189  transformFunc=@(x)reshape(double(x),1,[]);
190  end
191  [sizeVars,~,curIndMat(:,1)]=mxberry.core.uniquerows(...
192  [cellfun('ndims',inpVec),...
193  cellfun('prodofsize',inpVec),curMat],true,prop{:});
194  nVars=size(sizeVars,1);
195  nDims=1;
196  for iVar=1:nVars
197  isVar=curIndMat(:,1)==iVar;
198  curMat=[cellfun(@size,inpVec(isVar),'UniformOutput',false),...
199  cellfun(transformFunc,inpVec(isVar),'UniformOutput',false)];
200  nElems=size(curMat,1);
201  curMat=horzcat(curMat{:});
202  if isNumCell
203  nDims=sizeVars(iVar,1);
204  end
205  curMat=[...
206  transpose(reshape(curMat(1:nDims*nElems),[],nElems)),...
207  transpose(reshape(curMat(nDims*nElems+1:end),[],nElems))];
208  if isNumCell
209  [~,~,curIndMat(isVar,2)]=mxberry.core.uniquerows(curMat,isIntCell,prop{:});
210  else
211  curMat=[{vertcat(curMat{:,1})},mxberry.core.num2cell(curMat(:,2:end),1)];
212  [~,~,curIndMat(isVar,2)]=uniquejoint(curMat,1);
213  end
214  end
215  if nVars>1
216  [~,~,indColMat(:,iCol)]=mxberry.core.uniquerows(curIndMat,true,prop{:});
217  else
218  indColMat(:,iCol)=curIndMat(:,2);
219  end
220  end
221  elseif isa(inpMat,'opaque')&&ismethod(inpMat,'sort')
222  for iCol=1:nCols
223  [~,~,indColMat(:,iCol)]=uniquesortableobj(inpMat(:,iCol));
224  end
225  else
226  isnSorted(iRow)=true;
227  for iCol=1:nCols
228  [~,~,indColMat(:,iCol)]=uniquebyfunc(inpMat(:,iCol));
229  end
230  end
231  if nCols==1
232  indMat(:,iRow)=indColMat;
233  else
234  [~,~,indMat(:,iRow)]=mxberry.core.uniquerows(indColMat,true,prop{:});
235  end
236  end
237 end
238 isSorted=~any(isnSorted);
239 if ~isSorted
240  indMat=[indMat(:,~isnSorted) indMat(:,isnSorted)];
241 end
242 %
243 isBackwardInd=nargout>2;
244 if nInp==0
245  indRight2LeftVec=1;
246  if isBackwardInd
247  indLeft2RightVec=ones(nInpElem,1);
248  end
249 elseif nInp==1
250  if isBackwardInd
251  [~,indRight2LeftVec,indLeft2RightVec]=unique(indMat);
252  else
253  [~,indRight2LeftVec]=unique(indMat);
254  end
255 else
256  if isBackwardInd
257  [~,indRight2LeftVec,indLeft2RightVec]=mxberry.core.uniquerows(indMat,true,prop{:});
258  else
259  [~,indRight2LeftVec]=mxberry.core.uniquerows(indMat,true,prop{:});
260  end
261 end
262 %
263 if isempty(indDim)
264  %index inpCell, not inpArray since an initial size should be preserved
265  unqCArr=cellfun(@(x)(x(indRight2LeftVec)),inpCArr,'UniformOutput',false);
266 else
267  if all(nDimsVec>=indDim)
268  nOutElem=length(indRight2LeftVec);
269  inpSizeVec=cellfun(@(x)[nOutElem x([1:indDim-1 indDim+1:end])],inpSizeVec,...
270  'UniformOutput',false);
271  end
272  if indDim>1
273  unqCArr=cellfun(...
274  @(x,y)ipermute(reshape(x(indRight2LeftVec,:),y),permVec),...
275  inpCArr,inpSizeVec,'UniformOutput',false);
276  else
277  unqCArr=cellfun(...
278  @(x,y)reshape(x(indRight2LeftVec,:),y),...
279  inpCArr,inpSizeVec,'UniformOutput',false);
280  end
281 end
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