Go to the documentation of this file.
1 classdef Log4jConfigurator<handle
3  properties (Constant,Abstract)
12  end
13  methods (Static,Access=protected)
14  function res = getSetConfStatus(varargin)
15  persistent isConfiguredPersistent;
16  if isempty(isConfiguredPersistent)
17  isConfiguredPersistent = false;
18  end
19  if ~isempty(varargin)
20  isConfiguredPersistent = varargin{1};
21  end
22  res = isConfiguredPersistent;
23  end
24  function res = getSetLockStatus(varargin)
25  persistent isLockedPersistent;
26  if isempty(isLockedPersistent)
27  isLockedPersistent = false;
28  end
29  if ~isempty(varargin)
30  isLockedPersistent = varargin{1};
31  end
32  res = isLockedPersistent;
33  end
34  function res = getSetLogPropStr(varargin)
35  import mxberry.core.throwerror;
36  persistent logPropStrPersistent;
37  if (nargin==0)
38  if isempty(logPropStrPersistent)
39  logPropStrPersistent = char(logPropStrPersistent);
40  end
41  else
42  inpLogPropStr=varargin{1};
43  if ~ischar(inpLogPropStr)
44  throwerror('wrongInput',['logPropStr is expected ',...
45  'to be a character array']);
46  end
47  logPropStrPersistent = varargin{1};
48  end
49  res=logPropStrPersistent;
50  end
51  end
52  methods (Static)
53  function res = isConfigured()
54  res = mxberry.log.log4j.Log4jConfigurator.getSetConfStatus();
55  end
56  function res = isLocked()
57  res = mxberry.log.log4j.Log4jConfigurator.getSetLockStatus();
58  end
59  function configureSimply(logLevel,varargin)
60  import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
61  import org.apache.log4j.Level;
62  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
63  import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerRepository;
64  import mxberry.log.log4j.Log4jConfigurator;
65  import mxberry.core.throwerror;
66  %
67  [~,prop]=mxberry.core.parseparams(varargin,[],0);
68  nProp=length(prop);
69  isLock = false;
70  for k=1:2:nProp-1
71  switch lower(prop{k})
72  case 'islockafterconfigure'
73  isLock=prop{k+1};
74  if ~isscalar(isLock) || ~islogical(isLock)
75  throwerror('wrongInput', ...
76  'Invalid size or tipe of %s', prop{k});
77  end
78  otherwise
79  throwerror('wrongInput', ...
80  'Property %s is not supported', prop{k});
81  end
82  end
83  %
85  logger=Logger.getLogger('mxberry.log.log4j.Log4jConfigurator');
86  logger.warn(['Attempt to change a locked Log4j configuration', sprintf('\n'), ...
87  mxberry.core.MExceptionUtils.meStack2String(...
88  dbstack('-completenames'),...
89  'useHyperlinks',false,'prefixStr',' ')]);
90  return;
91  end
92  %
93  %% set global INFO logging level
94  if nargin==0
95  logLevel='INFO';
96  end
97  BasicConfigurator.resetConfiguration();
98  BasicConfigurator.configure();
99  logger=Logger.getRootLogger();
100  repository=logger.getLoggerRepository();
101  repository.setThreshold(Level.(logLevel));
102  %
104  if isLock
106  end
107  end
108  function logger=getLogger(loggerName,isSuffix)
109  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
110  if nargin<2
111  isSuffix=false;
112  end
113  if nargin==0||isSuffix
114  %
115  [methodName,className]=...
116  mxberry.core.getcallernameext(2);
117  % delete info on subfunctions
118  curInd=find(methodName=='/'|methodName=='\',1,'first');
119  if ~isempty(curInd)
120  methodName=methodName(1:curInd-1);
121  end
122  if ~isempty(className)
123  className=[className '.'];
124  end
125  if isSuffix
126  loggerName=[className methodName '.' loggerName];
127  else
128  loggerName=[className methodName];
129  end
130  end
131  logger=Logger.getLogger(loggerName);
132  end
133  function lockConfiguration()
134  mxberry.log.log4j.Log4jConfigurator.getSetLockStatus(true);
135  end
136  function unlockConfiguration()
137  mxberry.log.log4j.Log4jConfigurator.getSetLockStatus(false);
138  end
139  function res = getLastLogPropStr()
140  res = mxberry.log.log4j.Log4jConfigurator.getSetLogPropStr();
141  end
142  end
143  methods (Static,Abstract)
144  logFileName=getMainLogFileName()
145  configure(confSource)
146  end
147  methods (Access=protected)
148  function logFileName=getMainLogFileNameInternal(self)
149  logFileName=[self.getMainLogFilePathInternal,...
150  self.getShortMainLogFileNameInternal()];
151  end
152  function logFileName=getShortMainLogFileNameInternal(self)
153  import mxberry.log.log4j.Log4jConfigurator;
154  logFileName=[self.MAIN_LOG_FILE_PREFIX,...
155  self.getCurProcessNameInternal(),'.',...
156  self.LOG_FILE_EXT];
157  end
158  function processName=getCurProcessNameInternal(self)
159  import mxberry.log.log4j.Log4jConfigurator;
160  [~,SProp]=mxberry.pcalc.gettaskname();
161  if SProp.isMain
162  processName=self.MASTER_LOG_FILE_NAME;
163  else
164  curTaskName=['task',num2str(SProp.taskId)];
165  %
166  processName=[self.CHILD_LOG_FILE_NAME_PREFIX,'.',...
167  curTaskName];
168  end
169  end
170  function curPathWithFileSep=getMainLogFilePathInternal(self)
171  metaClass=metaclass(self);
172  curPathWithFileSep=[fileparts(which(metaClass.Name)),...
173  filesep,'Logs',filesep];
174  end
175  function configureInternal(self,logPropStr,varargin)
176  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
177  import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
178  import mxberry.core.throwerror;
179  import mxberry.core.throwwarn;
180  %
181  [~,prop]=mxberry.core.parseparams(varargin,[],0);
182  nProp=length(prop);
183  isLock = false;
184  isLoggerSuffix = false;
185  for k=1:2:nProp-1
186  switch lower(prop{k})
187  case 'islockafterconfigure'
188  isLock=prop{k+1};
189  if ~isscalar(isLock) || ~islogical(isLock)
190  throwerror('wrongInput', ...
191  'Invalid size or tipe of %s', prop{k});
192  end
193  case 'loggersuffix'
194  isLoggerSuffix=true;
195  loggerSuffix=prop{k+1};
196  otherwise
197  throwerror('wrongInput', ...
198  'Property %s is not supported', prop{k});
199  end
200  end
201  metaClass=metaclass(self);
202  loggerName=metaClass.Name;
203  if isLoggerSuffix loggerName=[loggerName '.' loggerSuffix];
204  end
205  %
206  if self.isLocked()
207  logger=Logger.getLogger(loggerName);
208  logger.warn(...
209  ['Attempt to change a locked Log4j configuration',...
210  sprintf('\n'), ...
211  mxberry.core.MExceptionUtils.meStack2String(...
212  dbstack('-completenames'),...
213  'useHyperlinks',false,'prefixStr',' ')]);
214  return;
215  end
216  org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator.resetConfiguration();
217  %
218  if ~ischar(logPropStr)
219  throwerror('wrongInput',...
220  'configuration source should be a property string');
221  end
222  if isempty(logPropStr)
223  throwwarn('emptyConfStr',['configuration property ',...
224  'string is empty, doing nothing...']);
225  else
226  self.getSetLogPropStr(logPropStr);
227  logPropStr=java.lang.String(logPropStr);
228  %
229  java.lang.System.setProperty(...
230  self.SP_MAIN_LOG_FILE_NAME,...
231  self.getShortMainLogFileNameInternal);
232  %
233  logLocPath=self.getMainLogFilePathInternal();
234  %
235  if
237  end
238  %
239  java.lang.System.setProperty(...
240  self.SP_CUR_PROCESS_NAME,...
241  self.getCurProcessNameInternal);
242  java.lang.System.setProperty(...
243  self.SP_LOG_DIR_WITH_SEP,...
244  logLocPath);
245  %
246  java.lang.System.setProperty(...
247  self.SP_LOG_FILE_EXP,...
248  self.LOG_FILE_EXT);
249  %
251  logProp=java.util.Properties();
252  logProp.load(confStream);
253  PropertyConfigurator.configure(logProp);
254  logger=Logger.getLogger(loggerName);
255'Log4j is successfully configured');
256  %
257  self.getSetConfStatus(true);
258  if isLock
259  self.lockConfiguration();
260  end
261  end
262  end
263  end
264 end
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