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1 classdef HandleObjectClonerTrickyCount<mxberry.core.obj.test.HandleObjectCloner
2  properties
3  beta
4  end
5  %
6  methods
7  function self=HandleObjectClonerTrickyCount(varargin)
8  self=self@mxberry.core.obj.test.HandleObjectCloner(varargin{:});
9  end
10  end
11  methods (Access=protected)
12  function [isOk,reportStr,signOfDiff]=isEqualScalarInternal(self,otherObj,varargin)
13  reportStr='';
14  if nargout>2
15  signOfDiff=nan;
16  end
17  isOk=isequal(self.alpha,otherObj.alpha);
18  if ~isOk
19  reportStr='alpha is different';
20  end
21  mxberry.core.test.aux.EqualCallCounter.incEqCounter(0.001);
22  end
23  end
24 end