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1 classdef MCodeQualityUtilTC < matlab.unittest.TestCase
2  methods
3  function self = MCodeQualityUtilTC(varargin)
4  self = self@matlab.unittest.TestCase(varargin{:});
5  end
6  %
7  end
8  methods (Test)
9  function testTouch(self)
10  import com.mathworks.mlservices.MatlabDesktopServices;
11  [~,fileNameList,reportList]=...
12  mxberry.selfmnt.MCodeQualityUtils.mlintScanAll();
13  %
14  diagnosticMsg=...
15  mxberry.core.string.catwithsep(fileNameList,sprintf('\n'));
16  self.verifyTrue(isempty(fileNameList),diagnosticMsg);
17  self.verifyTrue(isempty(reportList),diagnosticMsg);
18  end
19  end
20 end
function catwithsep(in inpStrList, in sepStr)
CATWITHSEP concatenates input cell array of strings inserting a specified separator between the strin...