function | getTemplateBranchKey (in self) |
function | setConfPatchRepo (in self, in confPatchRepo) |
| SET. More...
function | AdaptiveConfRepoManager (in varargin) |
function | selectConf (in self, in confName, in varargin) |
| SELECTCONF - selects the specified plain configuration. If the one does not exist it is created from the template configuration. If the latter does not exist an exception is thrown. More...
function | updateAll (in self, in areAllBranchesUpdated) |
| UPDATEALL - updates both templates and plain configurations. More...
function | getBranchKeyList (in self, in isTemplateBranchIncluded) |
function | updateConfTemplate (in self, in confName) |
| UPDATECONFTEMPLATE - updates template configuration. More...
function | getConf (in self, in confName) |
| GETCONF - returns a configuration by its name. In case the specified configuration is not found , the class tries to create one from a template. More...
function | editConfTemplate (in self, in confName) |
| EDITCONFTEMPLATE - opens the specified template configuration for editing using a default editor. More...
function | deployConfTemplate (in self, in inpConfName, in varargin) |
| DEPLOYCONFTEMPLATE - deploys (i.e. transforms templates to plain configurations) the specified onfiguration(s)) More...
function | getTemplateRepo (in self) |
function | ConfRepoManager (in varargin) |
| CONFREPOMANAGER is the class constructor with the following parameters. More...
function | createInstance (in self, in varargin) |
| CREATEINSTANCE - returns an object of the same class by calling a default constructor (with no arameters) More...
function | getStorageBranchKey (in self) |
function | getStorageLocation (in self) |
function | getStorageLocationRoot (in self) |
function | isCachedConf (in self, in confName) |
| ISCACHEDCONF checks if the configuration with a given name is cached. More...
function | putConfToCache (in self, in varargin) |
function | putConfToCacheAndSelect (in self, in varargin) |
function | putConfToStorage (in self, in confName, in SConfData, in metaData) |
function | getCopy (in self) |
function | isConfSelected (in self, in confName) |
| ISCONFSELECTED - checks if the specified configuration selected. More...
function | storeCachedConf (in self, in confName) |
function | flushCache (in self) |
| FLUSHCACHE - flushes all the cached information. More...
function | getLastConfVersion (in self) |
function | ConfRepoManagerAnyStorage (in storage, in varargin) |
| CONFREPOMANAGER is the class constructor with the following parameters. More...
function | editConf (in self, in confName) |
| EDITCONF - opens the default system editor for the configuration specified by name. More...
function | selectConf (in self, in confName, in varargin) |
| SELECTCONF - selects the configuration specified by name Only one configuration can be selected at any time. A selected configuration is used for parameters reading/storing. More...
function | isParam (in self, in paramName) |
| ISPARAM - checks if the specified parameter name corresponds to the existing parameter for the currently selected configuration. More...
function | getParam (in self, in paramName, in varargin) |
| GETPARAM - extracts a value for a parameter specified by name. More...
function | setParam (in self, in paramName, in paramValue, in varargin) |
| SETPARAM - assigns the specified value to a parameter specified by its name. More...
function | putConf (in self, in confName, in SConf, in varargin) |
| PUTCONF - puts the configuration structure into the storage. More...
function | getConf (in self, in confName) |
| GETCONF - extracts the configuration structure and its meta data by name, the returned configuration is automatically updated up to the latest version. More...
function | copyConf (in self, in fromConfName, in toConfName) |
| COPYCONF - copies a configuration to another configuration. More...
function | copyConfFile (in self, in destFolderName, in varargin) |
| COPYCONFFILE - copies a configuration file to a specified file. More...
function | removeAll (in self) |
| REMOVEALL - removes all the configurations from the storage. More...
function | getConfNameList (in self) |
| GETCONFNAMELIST - returns a name list of all configurations residing in the storage. More...
function | getCurConfName (in self) |
| GETCURCONFNAME - returns a name of currently selected configuration. More...
function | getCurConf (in self) |
| GETCURCONF - returns the currently selected configuration. More...
function | isConf (in self, in confName) |
| ISCONF - checks if the specified name corresponds to existing configuration from the storage. More...
function | removeConf (in self, in confName) |
| REMOVECONF - removes the specified configuartion from the storage by name. More...
function | setConfPatchRepo (in self, in confPatchRepo) |
| SETCONFPATCHREPO - sets the configuration version tracker. More...
function | updateConf (in self, in confName) |
| UPDATECONF - updates the specified configuration up to the latest version. More...
function | updateAll (in self) |
| UPDATEALL - updates all the configurations in the repository up to the latest version. More...
Public Member Functions inherited from mxberry::core::obj::HandleObjectCloner |
function | ismember (in leftObjVec, in rightObjVec, in varargin) |
function | unique (in inpObjVec, in varargin) |
function | sort (in inpObjVec) |
function | ne (in varargin) |
function | eq (in varargin) |
| EQ - same as isEqualElem from below with a few exceptions: 1) doesn't have reportStr output 2) only supports "asHandle" property. More...
function | le (in varargin) |
| LE - "<=" operator defined based on the 3rd output of isEqualElem method described below and it. More...
function | ge (in varargin) |
| GE - ">=" operator defined based on the 3rd output of isEqualElem method described below and it. More...
function | lt (in varargin) |
| LT - "<" operator defined based on the 3rd output of isEqualElem method described below and it. More...
function | gt (in varargin) |
| GT - ">" operator defined based on the 3rd output of isEqualElem method described below and it. More...
function | isequal (in varargin) |
| ISEQUAL - same as isEqual but without reportStr output. More...
function | isequaln (in varargin) |
| ISEQUALN - same as isEqual but without reportStr output. More...
function | isequalwithequalnans (in varargin) |
| ISEQUALNWITHEQUALNANS - same as isEqual but without reportStr output. More...
function | isEqual (in varargin) |
| ISEQUAL compares objects and returns true if they are found equal. More...
function | isEqualElem (in selfArr, in otherArr, in varargin) |
| ISEQUALELEM returns true if HandleObjectCloner objects are equal and false otherwise. More...
function | clone (in self, in varargin) |
| CLONE - creates a copy of a specified object via calling a copy constructor for the object class. More...
function | createInstance (in self, in varargin) |
| CREATEINSTANCE - returns an object of the same class by calling a default constructor (with no parameters) More...
function | checkIsHandleIsBlob (in isAsHandle, in isAsBlob) |
function | ReflectionHelper (in valBox) |
Constant Property | DEFAULT_STORAGE_BRANCH_KEY ='_default' |
function | getCachedConfNames (in self) |
function | updateAllInternal (in self) |
function | getConfNameListInternal (in self) |
| GETCONFNAMELISTINTERNAL - an internal implementation of getConfNameList. More...
function | updateConfInternal (in self, in confName) |
| UPDATECONFINTERNAL - an internal implementation of updateConf. More...
function | updateConfStructInternal (in self, in SConf, in confVersion, in metaData) |
| UPDATESCONFSTRUCTINTERNAL - updates configuration structure up to the latest version. More...
function | getConfInternal (in self, in confName) |
| GETCONFINTERNAL - an internal imlpementation of getConf that is used within the class to separate interface from its internal implementation. More...
function | putConfInternal (in self, in confName, in SConf, in confVersion, in metaData) |
| PUTCONFINTERNAL - an internal implementation of putConf. More...
function | cacheAndSelectConf (in self, in confName, in SConf, in metaData) |
| CACHECONF - chaches the specified configuration and makes it current. More...
function | cacheConf (in self, in confName, in SConf, in metaData) |
function | getCachedConf (in self, in confName) |
| GETCACHEDCONF - returns a cached configuration by its name; exception is thrown if the requested configuration is not found. More...
function | reCacheCurConf (in self) |
| RECACHECURCONF rehaches the current configuration. More...
function | initCache (in self) |
| INITCACHE initializes the cache. More...
Protected Member Functions inherited from mxberry::core::obj::HandleObjectCloner |
function | blobComparisonHook (in self) |
function | setComparisonMode (in self, in comparisonMode) |
function | getComparisonMode (in self) |
function | getHandleClonerIsEqualPropCheckCMat (in self, in propNameList) |
function | parseEqScalarProps (in self, in eqPropCheckCMat, in propListToParse) |
function | isEqualScalarInternal (in self, in otherObj, in varargin) |
static function | getConfVersionFromMetaData (in metaData) |
static function | putConfVersionToMetaData (in metaData, in confVersion) |
UDAPTIVECONFREPOMANAGER is an extension of the plain ConfRepoManager that introduces a separation between template configurations and plain configurations. Template configuration is like default configurations that is used in place of a plain configurations when the plain configuration is not found for a given name. If template configuration for the same name is not found as well, the class throws an exception. Such a behavior is useful when the application runs on a new environemnt/computer as it leads to an automatic deployment of application configuration.
- Author
- Peter Gagarinov, PhD pgaga.nosp@m.rino.nosp@m.v@gma.nosp@m.il.c.nosp@m.om
- Copyright
- 2015-2016 Peter Gagarinov, PhD
2015 Moscow State University
Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Computer Science
System Analysis Department
Definition at line 19 of file AdaptiveConfRepoManager.m.