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1 classdef mlunit_test_ahashmap_basic < matlab.unittest.TestCase
2  properties (Access=private)
3  map
4  rel1
5  rel2
6  testParamList
7  mapFactory
8  end
10  methods
11  function self = mlunit_test_ahashmap_basic(varargin)
12  self = self@matlab.unittest.TestCase(varargin{:});
13  end
14  end
15  properties (MethodSetupParameter)
17  end
18  methods (TestMethodSetup)
19  function self = setUp(self,mapFactoryParam)
20  self.mapFactory=mapFactoryParam;
21  end
22  end
23  methods (Test)
24  function self = test_defaultProps(self)
25  map=self.mapFactory.getInstance(); %#ok<*PROP>
26  isHashedKeys=map.getIsHashedKeys();
27  isHashedPath=map.getIsHashedPath();
28  self.verifyEqual(true,isHashedPath);
29  self.verifyEqual(false,isHashedKeys);
30  end
31  end
32 end