Go to the documentation of this file.
1 classdef EmailLogger<handle
2  properties (Access=private,Hidden)
3  emailDistributionList={};
4  emailAttachmentNameList={};
5  emailAttachmentZippedNameList={};
6  userName='unknown';
7  hostName='unknown';
8  subjectSuffix='';
9  loggerName='';
10  isDryRun=false;
11  isThrowExceptions=false;
12  %
13  smtpUserName=''
14  smtpPassword=''
15  fromEmailAddress=''
16  smtpServer='';
18  end
19  methods (Access=private)
20  sendmail(self,to,subject,message,attachments)
21  end
22  methods
23  function self=EmailLogger(varargin)
24  logger=mxberry.log.log4j.Log4jConfigurator.getLogger();
25  [~,prop]=parseparams(varargin);
26  nProp=length(prop);
27  isZippedSpecified=false;
28  isFromAddressSpec=false;
29  for k=1:2:nProp
30  switch lower(prop{k})
31  case 'emaildistributionlist'
32  self.emailDistributionList=prop{k+1};
33  case 'emailattachmentnamelist'
34  self.emailAttachmentNameList=prop{k+1};
35  case 'emailattachmentzippednamelist'
36  self.emailAttachmentZippedNameList=prop{k+1};
37  isZippedSpecified=true;
38  case 'smtpserver'
39  self.smtpServer=prop{k+1};
40  case 'subjectsuffix'
41  self.subjectSuffix=prop{k+1};
42  case 'smtppassword'
43  self.smtpPassword=prop{k+1};
44  case 'smtpusername'
45  self.smtpUserName=prop{k+1};
46  case 'loggername'
47  self.loggerName=prop{k+1};
48  case 'dryrun'
49  self.isDryRun=prop{k+1};
50  case 'isthrowexceptions'
51  self.isThrowExceptions = prop{k+1};
52  case 'fromemailaddress'
53  self.fromEmailAddress=prop{k+1};
54  isFromAddressSpec=true;
55  otherwise
56  mxberry.core.throwerror('wrongInput',...
57  'unknown property %s',prop{k});
58  end
59  end
60  if isZippedSpecified
61  if numel(self.emailAttachmentNameList)~=...
62  numel(self.emailAttachmentZippedNameList)
63  mxberry.core.throwerror('wrongInput',[...
64  'properties emailAttachmentNameList and '...
65  'emailAttachmentZippedNameList are not '...
66  'consistent in length']);
67  end
68  else
69  self.emailAttachmentZippedNameList=...
70  cell(size(self.emailAttachmentNameList));
71  end
72  %% Configure email notification
73  if ~self.isDryRun&&~isFromAddressSpec
74  [curUserName,curHostName]=mxberry.system.getuserhost();
75  if ~isempty(curUserName)
76  self.userName = curUserName;
77  end
78  if ~isempty(curHostName)
79  self.hostName = curHostName;
80  end
81  self.fromEmailAddress=[self.userName,'@',self.hostName];
83  ['no dry run mode, configured for smtpServer=',...
84  self.smtpServer]);
85  else
86'configured for dry run');
87  end
88  end
89  function sendMessage(self,subjectMessage,varargin)
90  import mxberry.core.throwerror;
91  import mxberry.core.parseparext;
92  import mxberry.core.cell.cell2tablestr;
93  %% Create log4j logger
95  %
96  if ~self.isDryRun
97  [reg,~,attachNameList]=parseparext(varargin,...
98  {'emailAttachmentNameList';{};'iscellofstring(x)'},...
99  [0 1],'regDefList',{[]});
100  bodyMessage=reg{1};
101  %
102  emailSubjectPrefix=['[',self.loggerName,']:'];
103  emailSubjectSuffix=[self.subjectSuffix ,...
104  ', running on host:',self.hostName,'(user:',self.userName,'),',...
105  'matlab:',version('-release'),'(arch:',computer,')'];
106  emailSubject=[emailSubjectPrefix,subjectMessage,...
107  emailSubjectSuffix];
108  emailAttachNameList=self.emailAttachmentNameList;
109  emailAttachZippedNameList=self.emailAttachmentZippedNameList;
110  for iElem=1:numel(emailAttachNameList)
111  zippedNameStr=emailAttachZippedNameList{iElem};
112  if ~isempty(zippedNameStr)
113  zip(zippedNameStr,emailAttachNameList{iElem});
114  emailAttachNameList{iElem}=zippedNameStr;
115  end
116  end
117  attachNameList=[attachNameList,...
118  emailAttachNameList];
119  %
120  nAttachemments=length(attachNameList);
121  for iFile=1:nAttachemments
122  fileName=attachNameList{iFile};
123  if
124  throwerror('wrongInput',...
125  'cannot find attachment %s',fileName);
126  end
127  end
128  %
130  try
131  self.sendmail(self.emailDistributionList,...
132  emailSubject,...
133  bodyMessage,...
134  attachNameList);
135  catch causeObj
136  meObj=throwerror('sendEmailFailed',...
137  ['something is wrong with the following data: \n',...
138  'distributionList: %s \n',...
139  'subject: %s\n',...
140  'smtpServer: %s\n',...
141  'emailAttachmentNameList: %s'],...
142  cell2tablestr([],self.emailDistributionList,',',...
143  'isMatlabSyntax',true),...
144  emailSubject,...
145  self.smtpServer,...
146  cell2tablestr([],self.emailAttachmentNameList,',',...
147  'isMatlabSyntax',true));
148  meObj=addCause(meObj,causeObj);
149  logger.fatal(sprintf('%s\nMessage body:\n%s',...
150  mxberry.core.MExceptionUtils.me2PlainString(meObj),...
151  bodyMessage));
152  if self.isThrowExceptions
153  throw(meObj);
154  end
155  end
156  end
157  end
158  function fromEmailAddress=getFromEmailAddress(self)
159  fromEmailAddress=self.fromEmailAddress;
160  end
161  function smtpServer=getSMTPServer(self)
162  smtpServer=self.smtpServer;
163  end
164  function suffixStr = getSubjectSuffix(self)
165  suffixStr = self.subjectSuffix;
166  end
167  function setSubjectSuffix(self, suffixStr)
168  self.subjectSuffix = suffixStr;
169  end
170  function addSubjectSuffix(self,suffixStr,isAddedToEnd)
171  if nargin<3
172  isAddedToEnd=true;
173  end
174  %
175  if isAddedToEnd
176  self.subjectSuffix=[self.subjectSuffix,suffixStr];
177  else
178  self.subjectSuffix=[suffixStr,self.subjectSuffix];
179  end
180  end
181  end
182 end
183 function sendmail(self,to,subject,message,attachments)
184 import mxberry.core.throwerror;
185 import javax.mail.*
186 import javax.mail.internet.*
187 import javax.activation.*
188 %
189 if ~usejava('jvm')
190  throwerror('wrongState:NoJvm','no Java is running');
191 end
193 % Argument parsing.
194 narginchk(3,5);
195 if ischar(to)
196  to = {to};
197 end
198 if (nargin < 3)
199  message = '';
200 end
201 if (nargin < 4)
202  attachments = [];
203 elseif ischar(attachments)
204  attachments = {attachments};
205 end
207 % Determine server and from.
208 [server,from] = getServerAndFrom(self);
209 if isempty(server)
210  throwerror('wrongState:SMTPServerIndeterminate',...
211  'Could not determine SMTP server');
212 end
213 if isempty(from)
214  throwerror('wrongState:FromAddressIndeterminate',...
215  'Could not determine FROM address');
216 end
217 %
218 % Use the system properties, but clone them so we don't alter them.
219 props = java.lang.System.getProperties.clone;
220 props.put('',server);
221 %
222 % Create session.
223 username = self.smtpUserName;
224 password = self.smtpPassword;
225 if isempty(username)
226  pa = [];
227 else
228  pa = com.mathworks.util.PasswordAuthenticator(username,password);
229 end
230 session = Session.getInstance(props,pa);
232 % Create the message.
233 msg = MimeMessage(session);
235 % Set sender.
236 msg.setFrom(getInternetAddress(from));
238 % Set recipients.
239 for i = 1:numel(to)
240  msg.addRecipient(getRecipientTypeTo(msg), ...
241  getInternetAddress(to{i}));
242 end
244 % Try to do the right thing on Japanese machines.
245 isJapanese = ispc && strncmpi(get(0,'Language'),'ja',2);
247 % Set subject.
248 if any(subject == char(10)) || any(subject == char(13))
249  throwerror('wrongInput:InvalidSubject', ...
250  'Subjects cannot contain newline characters');
251 end
252 if isJapanese
253  msg.setSubject(subject,'SJIS')
254 else
255  msg.setSubject(subject)
256 end
258 % Set other headers.
259 msg.setHeader('X-Mailer', ['MATLAB ' version])
260 msg.setSentDate(java.util.Date);
262 % Construct the body of the message and attachments.
263 body = formatText(message);
264 if numel(attachments) == 0
265  if isJapanese
266  msg.setText(body,'SJIS');
267  else
268  msg.setText(body);
269  end
270 else
271  % Add body text.
272  messageBodyPart = MimeBodyPart;
273  if isJapanese
274  messageBodyPart.setText(body,'SJIS');
275  else
276  messageBodyPart.setText(body);
277  end
278  multipart = MimeMultipart;
279  multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart);
281  % Add attachments.
282  for iAttachments = 1:numel(attachments)
283  file = attachments{iAttachments};
284  messageBodyPart = MimeBodyPart;
285  fullName = locateFile(file);
286  if isempty(fullName)
287  throwerror('wrongState:CannotOpenFile', ...
288  'Cannot open file "%s".',file);
289  end
290  source = FileDataSource(fullName);
291  messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(DataHandler(source));
293  % Remove the directory, if any, from the attachement name.
294  [~,fileName,fileExt] = fileparts(fullName);
295  messageBodyPart.setFileName([fileName fileExt]);
296  multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart);
297  end
299  % Put parts in message
300  msg.setContent(multipart);
302 end
304 % Send the message.
305 try
306  Transport.send(msg);
307 catch exception
308  % Try to make the Java error friendlier.
309  niceError = stripJavaError(exception.message);
310  if isempty(niceError)
311  throw(exception);
312  else
313  throwerror('wrongState:SmtpError','%s',niceError);
314  end
315 end
317 function [server,from] = getServerAndFrom(self)
319 % Check preferences.
320 server = self.smtpServer;
321 from = self.fromEmailAddress;
323 % Check Java properties.
324 if isempty(server)
325  props = java.lang.System.getProperties;
326  server = char(props.getProperty(''));
327 end
329 % Determine defaultMailAccountRegistry.
330 if (ispc && (isempty(server) || isempty(from)))
331  try
332  defaultMailAccount = winqueryreg('HKEY_CURRENT_USER', ...
333  'Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager', ...
334  'Default Mail Account');
335  defaultMailAccountRegistry = ...
336  ['Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager\Accounts\' ...
337  defaultMailAccount];
338  catch exception %#ok
339  defaultMailAccountRegistry = '';
340  end
341 end
343 % Determine SERVER
344 if ispc && isempty(server) && ~isempty(defaultMailAccountRegistry)
345  try
346  server = winqueryreg('HKEY_CURRENT_USER',defaultMailAccountRegistry, ...
347  'SMTP Server');
348  catch exception %#ok
349  end
350 end
351 if isempty(server)
352  server = getenv('MAILHOST');
353 end
355 % Determine FROM
356 if ispc && isempty(from)
357  try
358  from = winqueryreg('HKEY_CURRENT_USER',defaultMailAccountRegistry, ...
359  'SMTP Email Address');
360  catch exception %#ok
361  end
362 end
363 if isempty(from)
364  from = getenv('LOGNAME');
365 end
368 function internetAddress = getInternetAddress(from)
369 import mxberry.core.throwerror;
370 try
371  internetAddress = javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress(from);
372 catch meObj
373  throwerror('wrongInput:AddressError','%s',...
374  stripJavaError(meObj.message));
375 end
379 function recipientTypeTo = getRecipientTypeTo(msg)
381 % Get the class loader for the Message class.
382 cl = msg.getClass.getClassLoader;
383 % Returns a Class object pointing to RecipientType using that ClassLoader.
384 rt = java.lang.Class.forName('javax.mail.Message$RecipientType', false, cl);
385 % Returns a Field object pointint to TO.
386 field = rt.getField('TO');
387 % Gets the static instance of TO.
388 recipientTypeTo = field.get([]);
391 function fullPathToFile = locateFile(file)
393 % Matthew J. Simoneau, November 2003
395 % Checking that the length is exactly one in the first two checks automatically
396 % excludes directories, since directory listings always include '.' and '..'.
398 if (length(dir(fullfile(pwd,file))) == 1)
399  % Relative path.
400  fullPathToFile = fullfile(pwd,file);
401 elseif (length(dir(file)) == 1)
402  % Absolute path.
403  fullPathToFile = file;
404 elseif ~isempty(which(file))
405  % A file on the path.
406  fullPathToFile = which(file);
407 elseif ~isempty(which([file '.']))
408  % A file on the path without extension.
409  fullPathToFile = which([file '.']);
410 else
411  fullPathToFile = '';
412 end
415 function toSend = formatText(msgText)
417 cr = char(10);
419 % For a cell array, send each cell as one line.
420 if iscell(msgText)
421  toSend = strjoin(msgText,cr);
422  return
423 end
425 % For a char array, break each line at a char(10) or try to wrap to 75
426 % characters.
427 lines = {};
428 maxLineLength = 75;
429 msgText = [cr msgText cr];
430 crList = find(msgText == cr);
432 for i = 1:length(crList)-1
433  nextLine = msgText(crList(i)+1 : crList(i+1)-1);
434  lineLength = length(nextLine);
436  nextStart = 1;
437  moreOnLine = true;
438  while moreOnLine
439  start = nextStart;
440  if (lineLength-start+1 <= maxLineLength)
441  % The rest fits on one line.
442  stop = lineLength;
443  moreOnLine = false;
444  else
445  % Whole line doesn't fit. Needs to be broken up.
446  spaces = find(nextLine == ' ');
447  spaces = spaces(spaces >= start);
448  nonSpaces = find(nextLine ~= ' ');
449  nonSpaces = nonSpaces(nonSpaces >= start);
450  if isempty(spaces)
451  % % No spaces anywhere. Chop!
452  % stop = start+maxLineLength-1;
453  % No spaces anywhere. Preserve.
454  stop = lineLength;
455  elseif isempty(nonSpaces)
456  % Nothing but spaces. Send an empty line.
457  stop = start-1;
458  elseif (min(spaces) > (start+maxLineLength))
459  % % The first space doesn't show up soon enough to help. Chop!
460  % stop = start+maxLineLength-1;
461  % No spaces anywhere. Preserve.
462  stop = lineLength;
463  elseif isempty(spaces( ...
464  spaces > min(nonSpaces) & spaces < start+maxLineLength ...
465  ))
466  % % There are only leading spaces, which we respect. Chop!
467  % stop = start+maxLineLength-1;
468  % No spaces anywhere. Preserve.
469  stop = lineLength;
470  else
471  % Break on the last space that will make the line fit.
472  stop = max(spaces(spaces <= (start+maxLineLength)))-1;
473  end
474  % After a break, start the next line on the next non-space.
475  nonSpaces = find(nextLine ~= ' ');
476  nextStart = min(nonSpaces(nonSpaces > stop));
477  if isempty(nextStart)
478  moreOnLine = false;
479  end
480  end
481  lines{end+1,1} = nextLine(start:stop); %#ok<AGROW>
482  end
483 end
485 toSend = strjoin(lines,cr);
488 function niceError = stripJavaError(err)
490 % Two nice error messages. Pull them out and stick them together.
491 pat = 'Java exception occurred:\s*\S+: (.*?)\n\s*nested exception is:\s*\S+: (.*?)\n';
492 m = regexp(err,pat,'tokens','once');
493 if ~isempty(m)
494  niceError = sprintf('%s\n%s',m{:});
495  return
496 end
498 % One nice error message. Strip it off.
499 pat = 'Java exception occurred:\s*\S+: (.*?)\n';
500 m = regexp(err,pat,'tokens','once');
501 if ~isempty(m)
502  niceError = m{1};
503  return
504 end
506 % Only exceptions. Special-case popular ones.
507 pat = 'Java exception occurred:\s*(\S+)\s*\n';
508 m = regexp(err,pat,'tokens','once');
509 if ~isempty(m)
510  switch m{1}
511  case 'javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException'
512  niceError = 'Authentication failed.';
513  return
514  end
515 end
517 % Can't find a nice message.
518 niceError = '';
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