Go to the documentation of this file.
1 classdef ProfileManager<handle
2  properties (Access=private)
3  profMode
4  profDir
5  end
6  methods (Static)
7  profSave(SProfileInfo, dirName)
8  activeBrowser=profView(varargin)
9  end
10  methods
11  function self=ProfileManager(profMode,profDir)
12  if nargin<2
13  profDir='';
14  if nargin<1
15  profMode='none';
16  end
17  end
18  self.profMode=profMode;
19  self.profDir=profDir;
20  end
21  function resTime=runAndProcess(self,fRun,varargin)
22  mxberry.core.checkvar(fRun,'isfunction(x)');
23  %
24  [reg,~,nRuns,useMedianTime]=...
25  mxberry.core.parseparext(varargin,...
26  {'nRuns','useMedianTime';1,false;...
27  'isreal(x)&&isscalar(x)','islogical(x)&&isscalar(x)'},...
28  [0,1],'propRetMode','separate');
29  %
30  if isempty(reg)
31  profCaseName='default';
32  else
33  profCaseName=reg{1};
34  end
35  %
36  isnDetailed=any(strcmpi(self.profMode,{'none','off'}));
37  if isnDetailed
38  if useMedianTime
39  resTimeVec=zeros(1,nRuns);
41  for iRun=1:nRuns
42  curProfileInfoObj.tic();
43  feval(fRun);
44  resTimeVec(iRun)=curProfileInfoObj.toc();
45  end
46  resTime=median(resTimeVec);
47  else
49  profileInfoObj.tic();
50  for iRun=1:nRuns
51  feval(fRun);
52  end
53  resTime=profileInfoObj.process();
54  end
55  else
57  profileInfoObj.tic();
58  try
59  for iRun=1:nRuns
60  feval(fRun);
61  end
62  catch meObj
63  profileInfoObj.toc();
64  rethrow(meObj);
65  end
66  %
67  resTime=profileInfoObj.process(...
68  profCaseName,'profileMode',self.profMode,...
69  'callerName',mxberry.core.getcallername(2),...
70  'profileDir',self.profDir);
71  end
72  end
73  end
74 end
75 function profSave(SProfileInfo, dirName)
76 import mxberry.core.throwerror;
77 if nargin < 2
78  dirName = 'profile_results';
79 end
80 %
81 pathStr = fileparts(dirName);
82 %
83 if isempty(pathStr)
84  fullDirname = fullfile(cd,dirName);
85 else
86  fullDirname = dirName;
87 end
88 %
89 if
91 end
92 %
93 for iFunc = 0:numel(SProfileInfo.FunctionTable)
94  htmlStr = profview(iFunc,SProfileInfo);
96  htmlStr = regexprep(htmlStr,'<a href="matlab: profview\((\d+)\);">',...
97  '<a href="file$1.html">');
98  %
99  htmlStr = regexprep(htmlStr,'<a href="matlab:.*?>(.*?)</a>','$1');
100  %
101  htmlStr = regexprep(htmlStr,'<form.*?</form>','');
102  %
103  insertStr = ['<body bgcolor="#F8F8F8"><strong>',...
104  'This is a static copy of a profile report</strong><p>' ...
105  '<a href="file0.html">Home</a><p>'];
106  htmlStr = strrep(htmlStr,'<body>',insertStr);
107  %
108  fileName = fullfile(fullDirname,sprintf('file%d.html',iFunc));
109  [idFile,errMsg] = fopen(fileName,'w','n','utf8');
110  if idFile > 0
111  fprintf(idFile,'%s',htmlStr);
112  fclose(idFile);
113  else
114  throwerror('unableToOpenFile',...
115  'Unable to open file %s, reason: %s',fileName,errMsg);
116  end
117 end
118 function activeBrowser=profView(varargin)
119 import mxberry.core.throwerror;
120 persistent profInfoMap browserMap
121 [reg,prop]=mxberry.core.parseparams(varargin,...
122  {'titlePrefix','keepCache','cacheKey'});
123 nRegs=length(reg);
124 nProps=length(prop);
125 %
126 isTitlePrefixSpec=false;
127 isCacheKept=false;
128 isCacheKeySpec=false;
129 for k=1:2:nProps-1
130  switch lower(prop{k})
131  case 'titleprefix'
132  titlePrefix=prop{k+1};
133  if ~(ischar(titlePrefix)&&mxberry.core.isrow(titlePrefix))
134  throwerror('wrongInput',...
135  'titlePrefix property is expected to be a string');
136  end
137  isTitlePrefixSpec=true;
138  case 'keepcache'
139  isCacheKept=prop{k+1};
140  if ~(islogical(isCacheKept)&&numel(isCacheKept)==1)
141  throwerror('wrongInput',...
142  'cacheKept property is expected to be a logical scalar');
143  end
144  case 'cachekey'
145  cacheKey=prop{k+1};
146  if ~(ischar(cacheKey)&&mxberry.core.isrow(cacheKey))
147  throwerror('wrongInput',...
148  'cacheKey property is expected to be a string');
149  end
150  isCacheKeySpec=true;
151  end
152 end
153 %
154 if isempty(browserMap)
155  browserMap=containers.Map();
156 end
157 if isCacheKeySpec
158  if browserMap.isKey(cacheKey)
159  activeBrowser=browserMap(cacheKey);
160  else
161  throwerror('wrongInput',...
162  'Oops, we shouldn''t be here');
163  end
164 else
165  activeBrowser=createBrowser();
166  cacheKey=num2str(activeBrowser.hashCode());
167  browserMap(cacheKey)=activeBrowser;
168 end
169 %
170 if ~isTitlePrefixSpec
171  titlePrefix='';
172 end
173 %
174 if isempty(profInfoMap)
175  profInfoMap=containers.Map();
176 end
177 %
178 if (profInfoMap.isKey(cacheKey)&&~isCacheKept)||~profInfoMap.isKey(cacheKey)
179  profInfo=profile('info');
180  profInfoMap(cacheKey)=profInfo;
181 else
182  profInfo=profInfoMap(cacheKey);
183 end
184 %
185 if nRegs==0
186  reg={0,profInfo};
187 elseif nRegs==1
188  reg=[reg,{profInfo}];
189 end
190 %
191 htmlOut=profview(reg{:});
192 funcRepStr='';
193 funcRepArgStr=['''keepCache'',true,''cacheKey'',''',cacheKey,''','];
194 if isTitlePrefixSpec
195  htmlOut=strrep(htmlOut,'<title>',['<title>',titlePrefix,', ']);
196  funcRepArgStr=[funcRepArgStr,'''titlePrefix'',''',titlePrefix,''','];
197 end
198 %
199 htmlOut=strrep(htmlOut,'profview(',['profview(',funcRepArgStr]);
200 %
201 htmlOut=strrep(htmlOut,'profview',funcRepStr);
202 %
203 if nargout==0
204  activeBrowser.setHtmlText(htmlOut);
205 end
206 end
207 function activeBrowser=createBrowser()
208 activeBrowser=...
209  com.mathworks.mde.webbrowser.WebBrowser.createBrowser(true,true);
210 if isempty(activeBrowser)
211  throwerror('wrongCall',...
212  'Browser window for profiler can not be created');
213 end
214 end
function tic(in self)
TIC starts a stopwatch timer and begins profiling.
function tic(in self)
TIC starts a stopwatch timer and begins profiling.
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Definition: ProfileInfo.m:5
function isfunction(in inpArray)
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