VERSIONEDCONFREPOMANAGER is a simple extension of AdaptiveConfRepoManager that provides an ability to define configuration patches as methods of the class (AdaptiveConfRepoManager requires an injection of mxberry.core.struct.StructChangeTracker class that is not that convinient). This approach can be used only by experts as the patches have a direct access ot the class internals. To be safe, use AdaptiveConfRepoManager class. To be sorry, use this class. More...
Public Member Functions | |
function | VersionedConfRepoManager (in varargin) |
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function | getTemplateBranchKey (in self) |
function | setConfPatchRepo (in self, in confPatchRepo) |
SET. More... | |
function | AdaptiveConfRepoManager (in varargin) |
function | selectConf (in self, in confName, in varargin) |
SELECTCONF - selects the specified plain configuration. If the one does not exist it is created from the template configuration. If the latter does not exist an exception is thrown. More... | |
function | updateAll (in self, in areAllBranchesUpdated) |
UPDATEALL - updates both templates and plain configurations. More... | |
function | getBranchKeyList (in self, in isTemplateBranchIncluded) |
function | updateConfTemplate (in self, in confName) |
UPDATECONFTEMPLATE - updates template configuration. More... | |
function | getConf (in self, in confName) |
GETCONF - returns a configuration by its name. In case the specified configuration is not found , the class tries to create one from a template. More... | |
function | editConfTemplate (in self, in confName) |
EDITCONFTEMPLATE - opens the specified template configuration for editing using a default editor. More... | |
function | deployConfTemplate (in self, in inpConfName, in varargin) |
DEPLOYCONFTEMPLATE - deploys (i.e. transforms templates to plain configurations) the specified onfiguration(s)) More... | |
function | getTemplateRepo (in self) |
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function | ConfRepoManager (in varargin) |
CONFREPOMANAGER is the class constructor with the following parameters. More... | |
function | createInstance (in self, in varargin) |
CREATEINSTANCE - returns an object of the same class by calling a default constructor (with no arameters) More... | |
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function | getStorageBranchKey (in self) |
function | getStorageLocation (in self) |
function | getStorageLocationRoot (in self) |
function | isCachedConf (in self, in confName) |
ISCACHEDCONF checks if the configuration with a given name is cached. More... | |
function | putConfToCache (in self, in varargin) |
function | putConfToCacheAndSelect (in self, in varargin) |
function | putConfToStorage (in self, in confName, in SConfData, in metaData) |
function | getCopy (in self) |
function | isConfSelected (in self, in confName) |
ISCONFSELECTED - checks if the specified configuration selected. More... | |
function | storeCachedConf (in self, in confName) |
function | flushCache (in self) |
FLUSHCACHE - flushes all the cached information. More... | |
function | getLastConfVersion (in self) |
function | ConfRepoManagerAnyStorage (in storage, in varargin) |
CONFREPOMANAGER is the class constructor with the following parameters. More... | |
function | editConf (in self, in confName) |
EDITCONF - opens the default system editor for the configuration specified by name. More... | |
function | selectConf (in self, in confName, in varargin) |
SELECTCONF - selects the configuration specified by name Only one configuration can be selected at any time. A selected configuration is used for parameters reading/storing. More... | |
function | isParam (in self, in paramName) |
ISPARAM - checks if the specified parameter name corresponds to the existing parameter for the currently selected configuration. More... | |
function | getParam (in self, in paramName, in varargin) |
GETPARAM - extracts a value for a parameter specified by name. More... | |
function | setParam (in self, in paramName, in paramValue, in varargin) |
SETPARAM - assigns the specified value to a parameter specified by its name. More... | |
function | putConf (in self, in confName, in SConf, in varargin) |
PUTCONF - puts the configuration structure into the storage. More... | |
function | getConf (in self, in confName) |
GETCONF - extracts the configuration structure and its meta data by name, the returned configuration is automatically updated up to the latest version. More... | |
function | copyConf (in self, in fromConfName, in toConfName) |
COPYCONF - copies a configuration to another configuration. More... | |
function | copyConfFile (in self, in destFolderName, in varargin) |
COPYCONFFILE - copies a configuration file to a specified file. More... | |
function | removeAll (in self) |
REMOVEALL - removes all the configurations from the storage. More... | |
function | getConfNameList (in self) |
GETCONFNAMELIST - returns a name list of all configurations residing in the storage. More... | |
function | getCurConfName (in self) |
GETCURCONFNAME - returns a name of currently selected configuration. More... | |
function | getCurConf (in self) |
GETCURCONF - returns the currently selected configuration. More... | |
function | isConf (in self, in confName) |
ISCONF - checks if the specified name corresponds to existing configuration from the storage. More... | |
function | removeConf (in self, in confName) |
REMOVECONF - removes the specified configuartion from the storage by name. More... | |
function | setConfPatchRepo (in self, in confPatchRepo) |
SETCONFPATCHREPO - sets the configuration version tracker. More... | |
function | updateConf (in self, in confName) |
UPDATECONF - updates the specified configuration up to the latest version. More... | |
function | updateAll (in self) |
UPDATEALL - updates all the configurations in the repository up to the latest version. More... | |
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function | ismember (in leftObjVec, in rightObjVec, in varargin) |
function | unique (in inpObjVec, in varargin) |
function | sort (in inpObjVec) |
function | ne (in varargin) |
function | eq (in varargin) |
EQ - same as isEqualElem from below with a few exceptions: 1) doesn't have reportStr output 2) only supports "asHandle" property. More... | |
function | le (in varargin) |
LE - "<=" operator defined based on the 3rd output of isEqualElem method described below and it. More... | |
function | ge (in varargin) |
GE - ">=" operator defined based on the 3rd output of isEqualElem method described below and it. More... | |
function | lt (in varargin) |
LT - "<" operator defined based on the 3rd output of isEqualElem method described below and it. More... | |
function | gt (in varargin) |
GT - ">" operator defined based on the 3rd output of isEqualElem method described below and it. More... | |
function | isequal (in varargin) |
ISEQUAL - same as isEqual but without reportStr output. More... | |
function | isequaln (in varargin) |
ISEQUALN - same as isEqual but without reportStr output. More... | |
function | isequalwithequalnans (in varargin) |
ISEQUALNWITHEQUALNANS - same as isEqual but without reportStr output. More... | |
function | isEqual (in varargin) |
ISEQUAL compares objects and returns true if they are found equal. More... | |
function | isEqualElem (in selfArr, in otherArr, in varargin) |
ISEQUALELEM returns true if HandleObjectCloner objects are equal and false otherwise. More... | |
function | clone (in self, in varargin) |
CLONE - creates a copy of a specified object via calling a copy constructor for the object class. More... | |
function | createInstance (in self, in varargin) |
CREATEINSTANCE - returns an object of the same class by calling a default constructor (with no parameters) More... | |
function | checkIsHandleIsBlob (in isAsHandle, in isAsBlob) |
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function | ReflectionHelper (in valBox) |
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function | StructChangeTracker () |
STRUCTCHANGETRACKER - constructor accepts no parameters. More... | |
function | applyAllLaterPatches (in self, in SInput, in startRev) |
function | getLastRevision (in self) |
GETLASTREVISION - see the parent class for documentation on this mehtod. More... | |
function | applyPatches (in self, in SInput, in startRev, in endRev, in isInclusiveVec) |
APPLYPATCHES - see the parent class for documentation on this method. More... | |
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function | AStructChangeTracker () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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Constant Property | DEFAULT_STORAGE_BRANCH_KEY ='_default' |
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function | getCachedConfNames (in self) |
function | updateAllInternal (in self) |
function | getConfNameListInternal (in self) |
GETCONFNAMELISTINTERNAL - an internal implementation of getConfNameList. More... | |
function | updateConfInternal (in self, in confName) |
UPDATECONFINTERNAL - an internal implementation of updateConf. More... | |
function | updateConfStructInternal (in self, in SConf, in confVersion, in metaData) |
UPDATESCONFSTRUCTINTERNAL - updates configuration structure up to the latest version. More... | |
function | getConfInternal (in self, in confName) |
GETCONFINTERNAL - an internal imlpementation of getConf that is used within the class to separate interface from its internal implementation. More... | |
function | putConfInternal (in self, in confName, in SConf, in confVersion, in metaData) |
PUTCONFINTERNAL - an internal implementation of putConf. More... | |
function | cacheAndSelectConf (in self, in confName, in SConf, in metaData) |
CACHECONF - chaches the specified configuration and makes it current. More... | |
function | cacheConf (in self, in confName, in SConf, in metaData) |
function | getCachedConf (in self, in confName) |
GETCACHEDCONF - returns a cached configuration by its name; exception is thrown if the requested configuration is not found. More... | |
function | reCacheCurConf (in self) |
RECACHECURCONF rehaches the current configuration. More... | |
function | initCache (in self) |
INITCACHE initializes the cache. More... | |
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function | blobComparisonHook (in self) |
function | setComparisonMode (in self, in comparisonMode) |
function | getComparisonMode (in self) |
function | getHandleClonerIsEqualPropCheckCMat (in self, in propNameList) |
function | parseEqScalarProps (in self, in eqPropCheckCMat, in propListToParse) |
function | isEqualScalarInternal (in self, in otherObj, in varargin) |
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static function | getConfVersionFromMetaData (in metaData) |
static function | putConfVersionToMetaData (in metaData, in confVersion) |
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Constant Property | DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_STORAGE_BRANCH_KEY ='_templates' |
Property | templateStorageBranchKey |
VERSIONEDCONFREPOMANAGER is a simple extension of AdaptiveConfRepoManager that provides an ability to define configuration patches as methods of the class (AdaptiveConfRepoManager requires an injection of mxberry.core.struct.StructChangeTracker class that is not that convinient). This approach can be used only by experts as the patches have a direct access ot the class internals. To be safe, use AdaptiveConfRepoManager class. To be sorry, use this class.
Definition at line 18 of file VersionedConfRepoManager.m.
function mxberry::conf::VersionedConfRepoManager::VersionedConfRepoManager | ( | in | varargin | ) |