DISKBASEDHASHMAP represents a hash map for the arbitrary objects on disk with a high level of persistency when the object state can be restored based only on a storage location
CONFREPOMANAGER provides a functionality for storing, reading copying and very simplistic version tracking of application configurations represented by structures
UDAPTIVECONFREPOMANAGER is an extension of the plain ConfRepoManager that introduces a separation between template configurations and plain configurations. Template configuration is like default configurations that is used in place of a plain configurations when the plain configuration is not found for a given name. If template configuration for the same name is not found as well, the class throws an exception. Such a behavior is useful when the application runs on a new environemnt/computer as it leads to an automatic deployment of application configuration
ADAPTIVECONFREPOMANAGER is a simplistic extension of AdaptiveConfRepoManager that injects a configuration change repository class equivolent.test.conf.ConfPatchRepo automatically
VERSIONEDCONFREPOMANAGER is a simple extension of AdaptiveConfRepoManager that provides an ability to define configuration patches as methods of the class (AdaptiveConfRepoManager requires an injection of mxberry.core.struct.StructChangeTracker class that is not that convinient). This approach can be used only by experts as the patches have a direct access ot the class internals. To be safe, use AdaptiveConfRepoManager class. To be sorry, use this class
STRUCTCHANGETRACKER keeps a list of structure patches and provide tools for applying them to any arbitrary structure. Patches can be defined either as static or plain class methods A method must 1) have 'patch_' prefix and '_#' suffix 2) be public to be recognized as patch
VERSIONEDCONFREPOMANAGER is a simple extension of AdaptiveConfRepoManager that provides an ability to define configuration patches as methods of the class (AdaptiveConfRepoManager requires an injection of mxberry.core.struct.StructChangeTracker class that is not that convinient). This approach can be used only by experts as the patches have a direct access ot the class internals. To be safe, use AdaptiveConfRepoManager class. To be sorry, use this class
LOG4JCONFIGURATOR simplifies log4j configuration, especially when Parallel Computing Toolbox is used. In the latter case the class forwards the logs of different processees in separate log files
LOG4JCONFIGURATOR simplifies log4j configuration, especially when Parallel Computing Toolbox is used. In the latter case the class forwards the logs of different processees in separate log files